So, yesterday while I was wasting time on Twitter, I read another blogger’s post about how she wrote a novel in ten minutes a day.
I mean, I definitely waste more than ten minutes a day.
Waaaay more.
But I have a hard time getting into the writing mindset that quickly–and I often waste a bunch of time staring at a blank screen, trying to feel moved or motivated.
I think maybe I need to cut that out…?
So for the month of March, I’m going to try the whole Ten Minutes A Day thing!
Three days a week my Creative Writing class has ten minutes of freewriting a day, so I’ll join them for that instead of using that time for entering attendance, answering emails, whatever.
The other four days I’ll have to come up with some other ten minutes, but I bet I can do it for a month… right?
Anyway, I’ll be tweeting about it, too, so feel free to join me: #10MinMarch
(And now to go put in ten minutes for today, even though March isn’t till tomorrow… woohoo!)